Rev. John Wheeler, Minister to Families - [email protected] Rev. John Wheeler has been serving as the Minister to Students at First Baptist Church since June of 1998. John was raised in Greenville S.C. where he graduated from Riverside High School in 1987. He graduated from Lander University in Greenwood, S.C. with a B.S. in Exercise Science and Athletic Training in 1992. He answered the call to Youth Ministry and attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where he graduated with a Masters in Christian Ed. with an emphasis in Youth Ministry.
John is married to Lesley Wheeler and they have two beautiful daughters; Emma and Sara.
Mrs. Barbara Chase has served the congregation of First Baptist Church as the Church Secretary since April of 1991. We count on Barbara to manage our church office, keep the church calendar, keep the prayer list updated, compose and publish our weekly church newsletter The Messenger, and make sure everyone is on the same page. In addition to these responsibilities, and so many others that make our church office work, Barbara is often the first voice you hear when calling the church office and, as the addage goes, we have made sure to put our best foot forward.
Barbara is more than just our church secretary and office manager; she has a ministry of hospitality and is a true gift from God to us all. Barbara's is married to her husband of 31 years is the Rev. Martin (Marty) Chase.